Medical EmergenciesEmergency services, those required for life-threatening conditions, are not provided by Student Health Services. For a medical emergency on any campus, PLEASE CALL 911.Paramedics and ambulance service will be notified immediately. Give building or location where aid is needed, a specific location within the building, type of problem, individual's condition, a sequence of events and medical history, if known. Have someone stay with the patient until help arrives. Do not move the patient; keep the patient still and comfortable. Once help arrives, stay out of the way unless assistance is requested. Registered students with minor illnesses or injuries should be referred to Florida Atlantic University Student Health Services. (Proof of enrollment and a valid photo ID are required) After-Hours Nurse LineAll FAU students have access to after-hours nurse advice and health information. Students can call the FAU SHS number to be connected to the after-hours nurse line. The FAU After-Hours Nurse Line is staffed by registered nurses who can assess a student's symptoms and help them determine how to get the most appropriate care. The nurse may recommend a variety of care options, including home treatment, follow-up with a physician or immediate visit to the closest Emergency Room or Urgent Care Clinic. Local Hospitals and ClinicsIf healthcare services are required outside FAU Student Health Services Clinic hours, contact one of the nearby facilities listed below:
This information is provided as a courtesy. Additional health care providers are available; please consult with your insurance company. FAU Student Health Services does not endorse any specific facilities or services.
Please Note: Costs of all services provided outside the health center are the student's responsibility and are NOT covered by the health fee.